Welcome to WalnutFest 2025!

Each Admission $65 ($130 Couple) Ticket Includes 2 Drink Tokens!




Important WalnutFest Bidding Information:

9:30 p.m. Sports Basket Bidding Closes: Please pick up your winning Sports Baskets before you leave!

10:00 p.m. Silent Auction Bidding Closes: Please pick up your winning Silent Auction Items before you leave!

10:30 p.m. 50/50 Split the Pot Closes: Do not need to be present to win!


We are so excited to see you at WalnutFest!  Here are a few details to make sure you are ready for the fun:

  • You can bid on silent auction items using SchoolAuction.net.  Remember to save your password for hassle-free bidding and check out!

  • At the end of the night, use the SchoolAuction.net Self Check-Out feature to pay for your silent auction purchases.  A link will be emailed to you for the items you have won.

  • Once you have paid, take your awesome auction items home with you!

Thank you for making WalnutFest a success and supporting our students!


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If you have questions or want to donate offline, please EMAIL US!

To Volunteer, please use our Sign Up Genius Link: SIGN UP!


We are so thankful for your ongoing support and sponsorship of Walnutfest 2025!

Presenting Sponsor

Food Sponsor

Friend Sponsor

In Kind