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BIGGBY COFFEE Catering & Gift Bskt

BIGGBY COFFEE Cincinnati Mills Family

Breadsmith - Bread of the Month GC


New Riff Bonded Tour & Tasting-14 P

New Riff Distillery

Gold Star $50 GC & Basket

Gold Star Chili

Cookie Plug 3 Fillable Cookie Boxes

Cookie Plug

OTR Stroll and Sip for 4

Somerset Bar, OTR Museum, & Brown Bear Bakery

It's Cookie Time!

Friends of Walnut Hills High School

Explore and Eat for Two

The Aperture & Let's Roam

Discover and Dine for Two

Mt. Adams Bar & Grill, The Blind Lemon, Let's Roam

Vines and Barrels

Cooper's Hawk & Willow Run Custom Bourbon

CookinGenie Personal Chef $200 GC

Cookin Genie


Presenting Sponsor

Food Sponsor